Thursday, December 8, 2016

I Love Broken People

I give people MANY chances even when they do me wrong because God forgives ME. So who am I to think I am more deserving than anyone else?...God heals and helps the lowly and the foolish. We have all been categorized as such once or twice in our lives. A faulty situation may change the dynamics of our relationship, but I will always be there if you need me. I know how it feels to be rejected. I have been rejected more than enough times to know that it doesn't make you feel all that great. It changes the perception you had of yourself and often times may lead to self-doubt and a boat load of insecurities. I never kick a person when they are down because it's hard on that ground. I have been evicted, lost, alone, car repossessed, fired from a job, cheated on by a loved one, picked on, hated, ignored, felt hopeless, and the list goes on. Therefore, God said you are bruised but not broken. Use your strengths to strengthen others. If I leave a situation that person must have really abused my LOVE and it's no longer healthy for me to continue, so GOD removed YOU....There is nothing like unconditional LOVE. It feels good knowing that you have SOMEONE in your corner because not everyone is as fortunate. Love without limits...Always remember that! #GODISLOVE

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